Victoria Deane L.Ac.

Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine


TCM practitioners utilize a combination of therapies including acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, massage, diet modifications and exercises. Treatments are individualized for each patient and are dependent upon their unique manifestation. 

ACUPUNCTURE: Acupuncture helps bring the body back to a state of balance. It involves the insertion of very fine hair thin, sterilized, disposable needles into acupuncture points on the body. Acupuncture stimulates the body to balance itself through neurochemical pathways that affect our immune system, nervous and inflammatory process. Whether you are experiencing pain and/or physical and emotional disturbances, acupuncture can help treat almost every condition and disease that affects the human body. Acupuncture is also used as a wonderful preventative medicine by stimulating the body and regulating its own functions in order to keep the body healthy and strong.

  • Treatments: The key is that each treatment builds upon the last and we want to make sure that they are spaced close enough together that the benefits accumulate. Most pain conditions respond best when treatments are given 1-2 times per week over a course of a month. Once there is measured improvement, treatments may be spaced out to weekly, or every other week. A course of treatment will vary, depending on lifestyle, health history, and how long the imbalance has been present. Many people respond very quickly to Acupuncture, and find relief in just a few sessions, while others require a longer series of treatments.

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FACIAL REJUVENATION ACUPUNCTURE: It is a gentle, effective, and safe way to combat the signs of aging without the risk or downtime of surgery or injections. Facial Rejuvenation builds collagen, tones muscles, improves circulation, stimulates blood flow and brings out your inner radiance without the risk of scars, infections, rashes, or toxic build-up of chemicals. 

  • Treatments: A course of treatment consists of 12 consecutive facial rejuvenation sessions. Typically changes become most noticeable and lasting on the 7th session. Each individual will respond differently and the results may vary based on the condition of the individual prior to and during the series. Following the Initial 12 sessions, it is recommended to follow up with maintenance sessions, prolonging the results for 5-10years.

New to Eastern Medicine? Each of the services below are commonly used in addition to your acupuncture treatment.

MOXA: Mugwort or Artemisia Vulgaris, is an energetically warming herb that when lit and placed over certain acupuncture points creates a stimulating healing effect. If applicable, it may be incorporated into your acupuncture session and is a very soothing and relaxing treatment addition. 

HERBS: Chinese Herbal Medicine consists of hundreds of herbs that are used alone or strategically put together into individual herbal medicine formulas that are created to address many different health conditions. They can help bring the body back to balance without creating unwanted side effects. Herbal medicine can be used to treat any condition: internal or external medicine. Chinese herbs are safe and very effective when prescribed by a licensed Acupuncturist/Herbalist and can greatly enhance your healing when used alone or in addition to acupuncture treatments.


CUPPING: Cupping is used to release any excess or stuck energy in the body that may be causing disharmony. Cupping can be used to treat a variety of health conditions ranging from the common cold to musculoskeletal pain.

Cupping helps: 

  • Move Stagnation

  • Stretch tight muscles

  • Myofascial release 

  • Detoxes the body

  • Moves Blood

  • Moves Lymph

  • Moves Inflammation

  • Breaks up scar tissue

  • Draws out coughs & colds and more… 

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GUA SHA: Gua sha is used throughout Asia, and has a long history of use in China going back thousands of years. In action, this technique is the repeated pressing and stroking across the surface of the skin with a smooth-edged tool. The stroking releases stagnation in the subcutaneous fascia, and causes little red dotes known as petechiae or ‘sha’ to appear on the skin. The red dots quickly fade within 24 hours and disappear in 3-4 days.

The moving action of gua sha helps with:

  • Improved range of motion

  • Pain elimination

  • Avoiding an oncoming common cold or help in quieting a lingering cough.

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TUI NA: Victoria is certified in Tui Na, a traditional Chinese massage technique, meaning to "push" and "grasp." Tui Na incorporates deep tissue compression, percussion, vibration, lymphatic drainage, soft tissue and joint mobilization to rehabilitate muscles, joints and connective tissues. Tui Na also incorporates acupressure along trigger points and traditional acupuncture point locations to relax tense muscles, stretch or lengthen fascia, calm the nervous system and promote relaxation.

Manual therapies may be combined, and are often paired with acupuncture and herbal medicine for synergistic benefit.

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